The Berggarten in Hanover, Germany, is part of the the world famous Herrenhäuser Gärten, one of the most prominent Baroque Gardens in Europe. The Berggarten hosts one of the largest and most diverse orchid collections in the world, with more then 20,000 plants with approx. 3,000 species and more then 300 orchid classes, and more orchids being added continiously.
In a permanent exhibition between 800 to 1,000 blossoming orchids are presented to the public at any time throughout the year.

Thank you for visiting the Orchids of Hannover’s Berggarten.
I will frequently add new pictures to the galleries, as soon as remarkable plants are blossoming, and as I progress with adding pictures from my vast archive with more then 5,000 pictures. Klick on any orchid picture to enter the picture gallery. Have fun with watching pictures of the most beautiful and sometimes rarest flowers of the world! At the picture gallery, you can vote on the pictures or leave comments, when you register. Please use this feature!

The orchids of the Berggarten are frequently presented and assessed at national and international orchid exhibitions in the world, and have collected numerous prices for beauty, excellency of tendance, or outstanding rarity.

Please check here frequently for announcements of planned exhibitions outside of the Berggarten itself.

If you want to use one of the pictures of the gallery for your own website, publication, or any other distributive media, please contact Uta Neufeld for permission to use them via email: uta at berggarten-orchids dot com.
Without her permission, any direct linking to the pictures, or any use of them on other webpages, printmedia, or electronic media is strictly prohibited.
Please respect her ownership rights!


Herrenhäuser Gärten (City of Hanover)
Herrenhausen Gardens (Wkipedia)
Berggarten (German language only)

Disclaimer / Impressum
All pictures on the domain are sole property of Uta Neufeld, unless otherwise mentioned. Anybody may link to the website, but direct linking to the pictures, or reproduction of them at any other media is strictly prohibited, unless written consent of Uta Neufeld has been acquired. You may ask for consent or direct any other questions to her via email to: uta at berggarten-orchids dot com.
With any direct linking to one of the pictures, or any reproduction of a picture at any media, you agreed to pay 100 Euro per picture to Uta Neufeld. Please use the Paypal button on the top right corner of this page for that!
This domain is a solely private initiative of Uta Neufeld, and not an official site of the Berggarten in Hannover!
She expressivly distances herself from the contents of any webpage she has linked to on any page of  this domain.
© Uta Neufeld 2007